Duplicate a Funnel course launch funnel building kajabi Jan 18, 2024

Today’s YouTube video is about how to duplicate a funnel in Kajabi, and it is exactly as exciting as it sounds!!

Which is not very. I get it.

I’m trying to strike a balance here between fun to read/listen to and then the things that people actually, like, need to know.

In our house we...

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Funnels are a Bridge funnel building kajabi marketing Jan 18, 2024

Every online business is made up of traffic, funnels, and offers.

Real quick: let’s do the marketingspeak → English translation.

Traffic: people. Ideally the right people who are interested in what you’re saying and want to hear more

Funnels: the journey (can we still use the...

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Funnels v. Websites funnel building kajabi marketing visibility Jan 18, 2024

Funnels and websites: what’s the difference, and which one do I need?

It’s a bit like the Kardashians, right? They’re all the same and pretty much interchangeable, so do we really need them all?

This is one of the most common questions I get asked (not about the Kardashians;...

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